Montgomery Partnership Announcement

September 1, 2022

Introducing our partnership with Montgomery Investment Management

Australian Eagle Asset Management (Australian Eagle) is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Montgomery Investment Management Limited (Montgomery), a leading Australian boutique investment firm.

Starting in September 2022, Sean Sequeira, Alan Kwan, and the Australian Eagle investment team will join Montgomery under a sub-investment manager partnership agreement to manage Montgomery’s Australian domestic large-cap equities portfolios, which are offered to retail clients through The Montgomery Fund and to wholesale clients through The Montgomery [Private] Fund.

With a 19-year track record, Australian Eagle has consistently outperformed the S&P ASX-100 Accumulation Index by investing in a high-conviction, quality-focused portfolio of approximately 25 to 35 stocks.

Both funds apply Australian Eagle’s highly disciplined and fact-based investment process to identify high quality Australian and New Zealand listed companies with the potential to deliver superior long-term outcomes.

This partnership will see the Australian Eagle team join Montgomery in Sydney as the managers of The Montgomery Fund and co-portfolio managers of The Montgomery [Private] Fund, working alongside Montgomery’s founder, Roger Montgomery.

Montgomery is also an exclusive distribution partner of our Australian Eagle Trust (Long Short Fund), which is available for wholesale and retail investors.

Roger Montgomery commented, “We look forward to working closely with Sean, Alan and the whole Australian Eagle team, to focus on delivering strong returns to our clients. The Australian Eagle team has a strong track record of outperforming the market by following a quality- and valuation-focused investment approach that is closely aligned with our own. However, it is the unique addition into the process of their ‘Growth Delta’ or change narrative that has improved the timing of returns. Historically, this product has only been available to wholesale investors.”

Sean Sequeira added, “We’re a great fit with Montgomery and are delighted to be entering into our partnership. Montgomery enjoys deep investor and industry relationships, expertise in managing funds which are available to retail investors and a trusted brand that has been earned through its long-term focus on meeting clients’ needs.”

About Montgomery Investment Management

Founded: 2010 by Roger Montgomery
Overview: Montgomery Investment Management is an Australian boutique investment manager dedicated to managing investments on behalf of individuals, families, institutions, and their advisers. Montgomery’s goal is to deliver superior long-term investment outcomes for investors, focusing on capital preservation, income, and growth.
Partnerships: Montgomery has partnered with four expert investment managers from Australia and around the globe, providing investors with access to quality opportunities across various asset classes, including Australian and New Zealand equities, global equities, and credit income.
Read more about the Montgomery and Australian Eagle partnership.


This content has been prepared for information only, is not intended to be investment advice and does not take into account the financial objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor.

The trustee and issuer of units in The Montgomery [Private] Fund is Fundhost Limited (ABN 69 092 517 087, AFSL No. 233045) (Fundhost).  The Information Memorandum (IM) contains all details of the offer.  Units are available to wholesale clients only.

Fundhost is the responsible entity and issuer of units in The Montgomery Fund (ARSN 159 364 155) . The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) contains all of the details of the offer.  Before making an investment decision, investors should obtain a copy of and read the PDS.

Copies of the IM for The Montgomery [Private] Fund, the PDS and Target Market Definition (TMD) for The Montgomery Fund are available from Montgomery Pty. Ltd. (ABN 73 139 161 701, AFSL No. 354564) (Montgomery) by calling (02) 8046 5000 or online at  and at

Montgomery is the investment manager of The Montgomery [Private] Fund and The Montgomery Fund and will appoint Australian Eagle Asset Management Pty Limited (ABN 89 629 484 840, Authorised Rep No. 001269301) (Australian Eagle) as a sub-investment manager to assist with the management of those funds’ assets.

Australian Eagle is an authorised representative of both Montgomery and Alleron Investment Management Pty Limited (ABN 71 109 874 160, AFSL No. 278856) (Alleron).

Montgomery (and not Alleron) is responsible, and Alleron accepts no liability for, all financial services that Australian Eagle provides with respect to the funds managed by Montgomery, including this content.  Montgomery takes no responsibility, and will not be liable to any person, for financial services that Australian Eagle provides as authorised representative of Alleron.

The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited (ABN 45 003 278 831 No. AFSL 235150), part of Perpetual Limited, is the responsible entity and issuer of units in the Australian Eagle Trust (ARSN 632 568 846) and the Australian Eagle Equity Fund (ARSN 652 847 839). Australian Eagle is the investment manager of these funds and provides these services as authorised representative of Alleron.